Online Store

  • Individual design

    Our designers create a unique design for each project

    Content management system (CMS)

    The CMS developed in our company does not require special knowledge to manage the site, you you will be able to maintain its relevance and promote the site without the involvement of specialists


    Allows you to create and group products, create product descriptions, set prices, add product images.

    Purchase notification by e-mail

    Information about the basket of goods ordered by the buyer is sent to the owner’s email site


    The module allows you to create a shopping cart and send information about it to the owner’s address online store

    Product search function

    Allows online store customers to find the desired product based on the criteria they are interested in

    Product search function

    The user of the online store can sort products at his own discretion, in particular, by price

    Sort by name

    The user of the online store can sort products at his own discretion, in particular, by name

    Free hosting for 1 year

    Free hosting is provided for a period of 1 year. After a year it can be extended for a fee basis

    Free domain for 1 year

    Domain registration is free for the first year of use. After 1 year she can be renewed for a fee

    3 year warranty

    Free warranty service for three years

  • Creating a thematic banner

    Effective banners will provide your customers with information about promotions and new products, provide product recognition and attract new customers


    Allows you to post images (photos) on the website in the form of an impressive gallery


    Allows you to create publications and display them on the website in the form of short announcements with the ability go to detailed description


    Allows you to create news and display them on the website in the form of short announcements with the ability go to detailed description

    Multi-language support

    It is used when connecting additional languages ​​and implies adapting the site for foreign languages

    History of viewed goods

    It provides your customers with quick access to the products they are interested in

    Recommended products

    Allows you to display related products along with the searched one

    Products may be included

    Allows you to display related products along with the searched one

    Notify about availability

    Allows customers to be notified of the arrival of previously unavailable goods

    Product comparison

    Allows customers to compare products in an online store using different criteria

    Product comments

    Allows customers to leave reviews about products. Comments are pre-moderated

    Old/new price for goods

    Allows the store owner to clearly present information about discounts

    Search by criteria

    Allows you to describe products according to various indicators in order to improve search efficiency and Possibility to compare different products

    Export/import data

    Makes it easier to upload information to an online store by integrating with 1C via a CSV or XLS file

    User registration

    Authorized users get access to any hidden for general viewing information, as well as in the personal account

    Call back

    Simplifies communication with clients, gives you additional information about them

    Links to social networks

    Allows you to connect already functioning groups on social networks to the site.

    Connecting maps

    Allows you to connect interactive maps and indicate the location of your company on them

    Filling the site

    A correctly filled out site is better perceived by visitors, quickly loaded, information it is displayed correctly in various browsers and most importantly, it is best found through search systems internet

    Connecting site visit statistics

    To monitor the effectiveness of the site, we connect a statistics collection system GoogleAnalytics

    Website promotion

    Search engine promotion of a website ensures an increase in the number of clients due to website visitors when smart investments in online advertising

4.93 stars - based on 137 reviews
пр-т Независимости, 10 м. Университет, 7 этаж, офис 707 Украина, Харьков 61022
(057) 789-22-28 (057) 783-99-40 (057) 714-10-87 Hours: Понедельник — пятница с 08:30 до 17:00 Сб, вс — выходные Price Range: $$
Web Site Development Web Design Company Outsourcing Ukraine
4.93/5 (оценок - 137)